Chess Puzzles and Tactics

Find The Best Move

Chess Puzzle #351 | Black has a dangerous looking passed pawn. What should White play?
Chess Puzzle #396 | White king at a8 preventing his a7 pawn from promoting while black pawns have a clear path forward, What should white do?
Chess Puzzle #450 | Black has a strong attack that wins material and the game. Don't move until you see it.
Chess Puzzle #394 | In this complex looking position, white has an advantage. Can you find the winning combination?
Chess Puzzle #423 | Black is a rook up. What should white do to regain material and wind the game.
Chess Puzzle #320 | Black knight on b6 guards the d file. What should white do?
Chess Puzzle #407 | White is a pawn up. What should black play to regain material?
Chess Puzzle #371 | In this position, White can attack and take black’s rook on C file. Can you find the move?